There is a major health crisis within women’s health that is not being addressed: birth control is often misprescribed. This leads to a gruelling trial and error process where 75% of women who have used contraceptives describe their experience negatively. This process is also time consuming taking an average of 2 years and can be extremely harmful to a person’s emotional and physical well-being.
One third of American women use 5 or more birth control methods before they find one they like or they give up. Many women report feeling dismissed by their healthcare provider, having unexpected side effects and feeling a lack of support altogether. If you ask us, this is not OK.
Where Reya Comes In:

Reya’s digital solutions make navigating birth control easy and effective. Reya uses personalized information so that our members feel confident and comfortable in their reproductive health.
Before you ask - Reya covers all birth control options available in Canada. This includes hormonal and non hormonal options! Think everything from the pill, IUD and patch, to condoms and fertility awareness method.
How Reya Works:

Create an Account
First, create your own Reya account on our website. Here, you will gain access to your personal Reya Portal. This is where all the magic happens! There’s lots to find on the portal so take some time to look around. You will also receive emails that provide direct links to things that will be most helpful, such as the Before You Begin Checklist (Hint: this is a great resource to take a look at before you go on to the next step).

Reya Assessment
Go through our intake assessment. This gives our system a comprehensive understanding of you! Take your time with this and listen to your gut reactions to the questions. With this information, our system will be able to give insights, suggestions and support that is specifically catered to your needs and life. Anything you tell us remains private and used only for the services Reya provides, unless stated otherwise. Check out our Privacy Policy for more info.

Reya Results
Receive your Reya Results! Which can be found once you submit your assessment either through the link that shows up on your screen, in your personal portal or in the email your receive after the assessment is submitted. Our system combines all of the information you gave us and presents you with birth control options that could work really well for you! We give a few options because it’s your choice. We are just here to provide personalized information on birth control methods to help you with this decision. Most importantly, we explain HOW our system arrived at these particular options and what in your assessment led it there. We like to provide the ‘why’ so you can understand with confidence.

Additional Reya Resources
A helpful resource in your portal is the Next Steps Plan. This outlines ways to access all of the birth control methods and tips and tricks for how to have a focused conversation with your medical professional about an option you’re interested in. Sometimes these conversations can be intimidating and it helps to have someone in your corner (ahem...Reya).
Also found in the portal:
a birth control database filled with helpful self-reading material
booking 1-on-1 sessions with our team to chat about your results, ask questions or vent to a listening and compassionate ear
you are welcome to retake the assessment at any time!

Birth Control Boundaries™ and Tracking System
Our side effect and symptom tracking system first guides you in outlining your Birth Control Boundaries™ to help you navigate the use of a new birth control method with confidence and ease. Ever felt totally lost and confused when you started feeling a certain type of way that you were not expecting? Oh like, mood swings, weight gain or loss of libido to name a few? At Reya we believe that birth control should not make you feel uncomfortable. When we use options that are right for us, we experience minimal to no changes that we find unpleasant. Reya helps you easily get to this point.
We provide an easy to use tracking journal and calendar so that members can note when they experience something that they’re not comfortable with. Recording your experience with birth control can help you make the final decision if it’s the one for you.

Personalized Support
All throughout the process we’ve just described, Reya will be checking in with you. Think of us as your birth control best friend!
Medical professionals are busy people, and they often do not have time to follow up with women to see how they are making out with a new contraceptive. Our goal is to make sure you have the best experience possible with your birth control journey. We are here for you.

Member Community
You are a part of a community of women taking their reproductive health into their own hands. That’s awesome! Engage with us! We hold discussions, events and soirées about sexual health and wellness, fem empowerment and owning your own health journey. We are growing and feel so honoured to have you join us.
Here we are on:
Share your birth control story with us on our website! We’re here to listen and sometimes sharing can be healing.
So Why Reya?
People are struggling to find a birth control option that they like. Reya makes the entire birth control process (from finding one to using one to stopping use) easy and all about YOU. Birth control is not a one-size-fits all and Reya puts our members at the forefront of their own health decisions.
Our mission is to ensure every birth control user has access to personalized information and support so that they can feel confident and comfortable in the method they choose.
Reya Health does not provide medical advice. The information shared is based on research and science. Always consult a doctor before trying any new birth control method.
1. https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/779400